Often times, the life of a seaman is in constant danger. Aside from the uncertainties that the ocean brings to the already hard life of being on board, it even becomes awfully dangerous with the threat of pirates at sea.
Every one knows that a life of a seaman is not always good as others would expect it to be. Although they may enjoy a lot of perks and large salaries, life being on board sailing at sea is one of the saddest thing that a man can experience. A certified seaman could even attest that the salaries and perks they are receiving might not be enough to compensate for the lost time with their families and loved ones.
This website is dedicated to our our great seamen who have rendered countless and selfless service to our country and their companies as well. They are the member of our so called modern day heroes for helping the economy afloat with their money remittances back home which in turn creates a more desirable economic status of our country
To our most able seamen out there, this site is for you. I hope to bring all the related events and news that may of concern to you and for that I invite you to share or comment on any articles and yes! you can share it with your friends and fellow seaman too.
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