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The Seaman Training Center uses affiliate systems or programs for monetization.  Some of the links you see on the entire website maybe an affiliate link which means if your click through them the Seaman Training Center will earn a commission.

Some of the affiliate ads displayed on the website may composed of Clickbank, Bluehost, Bo Sanchez affiliate program and more.

I have satisfactory experienced with some of the products that I am recommending in this website that is why I am recommending them to you.  I don't recommend products that is not helpful in any way to people who might want to use them.

Third Party ads

Some of the text and link ads that you see around the website are third party ads by Google, Chitika and Nuffnang. This sites are not personally recommended by Seaman Training Center.  Displaying of these advertisements are fully controlled by advertising companies and hence are totally not affiliated with Seaman Training Center.

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